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By the way, the picture was taken in Brazil - there's a country to cheer you!

Saturday, 27 March 2010

Northern Spring, Southern Autumn

Well, the clocks go forward tonight - that's always a good sign. With daylight now appearing at 5.30 am the increased sunlight levels are helping. However, if you live in the southern hemisphere, then the onset of SAD symptoms will be starting and your clocks will be going back.

It's been a tough winter up here, coldest for 30 years in W Europe and the US East Coast has had a bad time too. I did make a significant change to my diet in the New Year. For many years I have rarely eaten eggs, except for the very occasional omelette or scrambled on toast - that means maybe once a month.  Of course, there are eggs in pasta, cakes and so on. The reason I minimised them was because I had read that they were heavy on cholesterol. Now, my 'bad' cholesterol level hasn't been too bad at about 5.9, but my SAD has been intense. So, besides upping my exercise levels and taking St John's Wort, I have started to eat an egg every second day - usually poached.

Now I do look forward to my egg, and I do believe it has made a difference. Also, I've been adding some pate' to my regular foods - the liver content is beneficial. Of course, spring is coming (for us northerners) and that always helps, but I do believe the eggs and pate have made a difference. You can find out more about dietary balance for seasonal affective disorder here.